Monday, May 24, 2010

TV or not TV...

Sunday marked the end of an era for Doug and I ... LOST aired it's series finale and with it a little piece of me died. {Okay, not really, that sounds waaay too dramatic because I admit it's just a tv show} but I loved the characters, the plot and the suspense. We watched it with a group of friends and all laughed and gasped together one last time. Sigh. Will I ever enjoy a show as much ever again? *Doubtful.* It was a great 6 seasons.

**If it weren't for Glee that is!!! This show is obviously nothing like LOST but WOW it's entertaining! And now that I am off the hook on Tuesdays with LOST I can give Glee my full attention.***

I mean let's get serious who can resist this high school music teacher?

Did I mention Doug likes Glee just as much as I do?

Pure. Entertainment.

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